Am I silly to be annoyed about my friend never paying me petrol money?

I think you should really examine why you feel the way you do.

I’m going to assume you have the finance to keep a car by yourself. You haven’t mentioned any struggles other than the usual bother of rising costs.

It’s interesting that you have mentioned your friend earning more than you. Is there possibly some resentment there?

You have shown yourself to be a person who feels friends should help each other.

So what constitutes a friend to you? You’re more willing to help a poor friend than one with more money?

Don’t get me wrong. Chipping in for things is a nice gesture.

But if you’re expecting payment, then make your relationship clear to your friend.

Finding it hard to ask him? That’s because whilst it’s fair, it’s also tight. And I think deep down you know this.

/r/AskUK Thread