I am speechless.

I agree with you. There was a thread the other day in which a woman had an issue, and another user randomly commented to harass her about the fact that she was in her low 20s with two kids, who she had with her husband.

I get why people want to wait until late 20s/early 30s on marriage and children, but every time I say you don't have to, I'm downvoted and hassled. Apparently, if you don't wait until late 20s at LEAST, you're stupid and doomed to divorce. Meanwhile, I have a daughter with my high school sweetheart, who I married before that time frame. If I bring it up, I get harassing PMs from people telling me I'm going to be a single mom, gonna fuck it up, etc. That he'll cheat because we got together so young. Meanwhile, my marriage is actually a very happy one and sometimes the only truly stable thing in my life. I love my daughter with all my heart, and parenting fit me like a glove. I fill our days together with age-appropriate activities in the hope that maybe I'll collect lots of toothless, goofy smiles. Her daddy is the same way.

But I'm lying to myself or something. They don't believe me. I know high school sweetheart marriages are rare, but I hate that they dump on mine specifically. It's very toxic when it wants to be.

/r/TrollXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - imgur.com