I am starting to think that there is something seriously wrong with President Obama's mental health. Why won't he stop the flights. Psycho! ~ 1:23 AM - 16 Oct 2014


This might be my all time favorite WTF Trump tweet.

Trump was convinced that Ebola was going to take over the US (too much Fox and Breitbart will do that to you) and kill thousands so he sent out dozens of tweets attacking Pres. Obama for not stopping flights from areas affected by Ebola (hint: at the time there were no direct flights from West African nations to the US).

Now onto the "mental health" aspect. We've all questioned if Trump is in his right mind but so have qualified professionals.

And so are the pundits;

The craziest part is that this tweet was sent in the middle of the night, most likely at 4:30 EST. What a psycho!

/r/TrumpCriticizesTrump Thread Link - twitter.com