Why am I still doing this?

Sounds like you're feeling entitled to prestigious jobs because of this charter. I've read a lot of things like this on r/CFA, and it almost never works out. Also, maybe it's time to rethink your approach? Also, it sounds like you don't actually have a passion or field you want to join, you're just blindly applying to jobs based on their prestige or impact in the industry (IB is different than ER, and your interviewer will ask why you're chosing one over the other).

Ex - if you want to go into ER, are you working on modeling and sending out research reports/notes to analysts in sectors that you are interested in?

My final question would be - Why do you want to do this career wise, and can you please define "this" for me? Sorry if I seemed harsh, but this whole post just screams "I want to make 6 figures in a prestigious finance role, why isn't the CFA helping?"

/r/CFA Thread