I am tired of people dismissing me and being rude because i don’t want to listen to problematic idols.

This argument is absurd

  1. How are you comparing religion to racism? “Racist beliefs” are not a thing and are definitely not comparable to someone’s faith. Racism stems from ingrained ignorance and hatred while faith is a positive set of beliefs and morals that a person subscribes to through organised religion

  2. People do change. Seeing as you’ve used your friend’s faith to prove people don’t change, I’ll use my personal experience. I grew up strictly Catholic - a particularly hateful sect to be in as a young woman. I have since actively tried to be excommunicated because I no longer (if I ever really did) subscribe to those beliefs. I grew up and changed my entire outlook on life - this is a common occurrence among people my age

I cannot for one second believe that you think people can’t change when you said in this post that you have said mean things… because otherwise that would make you a mean person, forever

I understand feeling hurt and not wanting to be involved with idols that use racist language, whether that be intentional or not. But I honestly can’t see any benefit to not allowing someone to grow from a single incident or mistake

Honestly though, if you’re going to drop groups for anything problematic you may stop trying to follow human beings. Idols are flawed, just like everyone else; they’ll fuck up, hurt people, say and do stupid shit. Imo if they apologise and never repeat what they did again it’s proof enough that they’ve grown from the incident and changed and are now more cautious and I can’t ask for better than that

/r/kpopvents Thread