I am so tired of seeing this damn tweet

Growing up, the thing that was pounded into my head ad infinitum was the fact that I was fucking useless, my entire generation was worthless, that nothing I cared about now would matter to me once I grew up, got an education, got a job, and inevitably became a conservative.

I have been working since i was 15. I'm nearly 40, now. I HATE, with the fires of a thousand blazing suns, the adults from my youth. ESPECIALLY the ones who were over 30 when they laughed at me.

Kids: the adults in your life are fucking idiots. They don't know any more than you do, and anyone who claims otherwise is a fucking liar. Feel free to ignore their experience at will. Odds are, they will never experience the shit that will be part of your every day.

Boomers: stop fucking talking. You were useless then, you're less now. Disappear. No one cares.

/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it