The “why am I so tired?” starter pack

i swear to god having a sleeping schedule is the best thing that ever happened to me. i would regularly stay up till 2-3am and have to get up for work at 7:30. i took naps all the time i would stay up for days at a time, i was always tired and felt like shit. now i get ready for bed at 9pm, i don’t play on my phone before bed, i don’t listen to tv or music or anything, and fall asleep before between 9:30-10. i get up every morning at 6am even on my days off. i can’t tell you how rested and energized i feel.

so now instead of staying up late browsing shit on my phone i go to sleep and when i wake up i browse reddit/watch tv before work and i still get my time to myself and i don’t have to feel like shit to get it. it doesn’t even feel like a chore to wake up that early either i usually wake up on my own right before my alarm. i track my sleep with an app and my sleep quality has gone from 20-40% all the way up to 80-90%. i honestly seriously recommend trying to set a sleep schedule if you have shitty sleep habits.

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