I am very inconstistent. Why?

I am in silver too and I am very streaky with how well I play. I honestly believe that 9 out of 10 games can be one if I play well enough. It's about being smart and sometimes filling if I have to. I have climbed 300 sr in one sitting before and that was one tricking zen. I am new to pc OW but now that I have improved I think the key to climbing is to play heroes that can carry and also serve different purposes. Zen is the best example I can think of because he can heal, but in the right hands he can be better than any of your dps heroes. Zarya and Roadhog can serve as a tanky presence while also being dps at the same time. I am going to take these few days to learn Zarya and at least one dps and I think I will be ready to climb out of gold this season. One last thing is that I would avoid playing heroes like Rein, Winston, and Orisa in low ranks. It's tempting to fill for your team but it is a huge gamble because if your supports suck really bad then you will feed hard. If you are Zarya and Roadhog you at least have thhe utility to stay alive if your supports arent that great.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread