I am Vince Gilligan, creator of Breaking Bad and co-creator of Better Call Saul. AMA!

Hey Vince. Big fan as well.

I've got three questions for you.

First you've casted Bryan Cranston and Bob Odenkirk, both mostly experienced in comedy as lead characters of your shows. Although there are numerous comical elements to your work it does mostly revolve around serious, dark situations. Did you design Breaking Bad with these actors in mind or did they come in later in the process, auditioning maybe?

Second, Better Call Saul ties in great with Breaking Bad, fills some of the gap in the characters' backstories but is also a unique experience in and of itself. At which point upon making Breaking Bad did you realize this character had the potential for a Spin Off? Was Bob immediately on board or did he have second thoughts about taking it on after being a part of something as critically acclaimed as Breaking Bad?

Finally I loved Breaking Bad and I love BCS. The execution in the latter is consistently flawless and I'm amazed that you can pull off something this brilliant right after what many consider the greatest TV series of all times. It might sound a bit weird but do you feel like you've gotten better at doing this?

Oh one last question, do you have any interest in doing movies? Do you think you could work with the constraints imposed by this format, especially time wise?

Again thank you so much for the hours upon hours of entertainment, thrill feels you've offered us.

Ready for season 3!

/r/television Thread