I am voting Patriot.

phone died. anyways. I'll show you why I've been coming off so hostile.



I told the Patriots that this would happen. now do you understand why I've been so frustrated during this conversation? I warned the Patriots that this would happen. so the only reason why you're coming in here, and explaining the outcomes, is because the Patriots didn't listen to my warnings that the teams would turn around and backstab the Patriots if the Steelers were saved until last. do you understand now? does it make more sense? the only reason we're having this conversation is because the Patriots ignored my warnings.



I had helped with ELOE strategy before and came up with the Patriots / Jets / Redskins. the strategy you used on round 19 to get you through the 18-1 memes was one that I gave to help you guys get through it. I tried to warn you guys not to save the Steelers until last. that's why I'm hostile. that's why I'm frustrated. the only reason we're in this mess is because the Patriots didn't listen.

/r/cowboys Thread Parent