Am I Waiting on Nothing?

You've been communicating with this man for 2 months without even meeting him? I never get these post, honestly. Why are you investing time and hopes in someone you've never met? Wouldn't you rather searching someone who's both nearby and has time to actually meet you and be an actual presence in your life rather than someone who texts you or - best case scenario - has a video chat with you? This is truly beyond me.

he honestly was everything I like in a man and I really felt like he was different from other men I have met

Do you seriously think you know him b/c you've talked over the phone sporadically for 2 months? Girl... a reality check is in place.

I don't want to overreact and ruin something

Ruining something implies there was something existing. There isn't here. You have a pen pal who calls you "beautiful", that's all. I think you should aim higher.

I just don't know what to do.

Move on. He's told you he has no time at the beginning, you didn't listen. Then he told you again, and you're still aren't listening. If you talk to someone for a week and they don't try to meet you - you're most likely wasting your time. Let alone if they declare upfront "I have no time for a RS!". People say that so you can't blame them later on for wasting your time, but they know they can't date you. They're just bored and want someone to text to so they feel desired even though it's meaningless and as far as possible from really connecting to someone.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread