I am worried I destroyed our marriage and it won't recover

Boy that saying "sex wasn't everything in marriage" really has grown under my skin and pushed every button in me!!! Because one checks out on sex in a relationship, means the other has to stop existing as well? Is that the version of "compromising"?. Also, because of speaking about it, doesn't translate to every damn minute of every damn day!! I love how a misinterpretation becomes such a pillar in a relationship!!! Nope its selfish and yes Husband has checked out, and likely checked out for good.

All what OP can do is, to engage and keep engaging, yet I fear, since patience wear thin, the next "stud" comes along and off we go................. and we will see us in the next sub-reddit r/adultery or r/survingafterinfidelity ....... SMH

/r/Marriage Thread