Am I wrong for being upset?

For everyone saying "why do u wanna hurt her. Op is evil" STFU. What if we we had a role reversal.

Op is a woman who asks to get eaten out by her by of 3 years he says no,but may be interested in the future. They take a break and OP finds out her bf has been eating his best friends snatch while staying with her. They get back together and now OPs saying "I tried it multiple times with bff but it tasted bad it hurts my neck so I'll never do it again.

The reason he did it was to make the bff happy(satisfied). He didn't like it from day one, but he KEPT ON DOING IT TO MAKE HER HAPPY. Why can't he do the same for his girlfriend. Even if it was just one time.

I wouldn't be with a person who is willing to go the extra mile for somebody else.

/r/sex Thread