
I started playing PD2 back in Septemberish of last year. Since, I've hardly been able to play anything else. The game brings so much to the table in atmosphere in design I can't ignore it. However, since the release of The Bomb Heists, I've noticed a drastic decline in quality of content and content design. Infamously, the 2.0 update being the largest. So much, if not all of what the community had suggested for new infamy rewards was clearly ignored. The aesthetics of infamy are often considered by the community to have been damaged. This isn't all about the Infamy 2.0 update, however.

The Dragan character pack; Dragan lacks VO lines for (as much as I know) domination. There may be more, but I haven't noticed. The Butcher's CAR/AK mod pack had an issue with rewarding players on payday with mods that didn't even exist in game. The OVK and C OVK packs release is not protected from these design issues, either. The two new weapons everyone has been enjoying have problems as well. The Vulcan Minigun. The character stance while holding or firing simply cuts and pastes from damn near every assault rifle stance. The gun sounds are not nearly impressive when heard from a third person perspective, and this applies to both weapons. They sound copied from other weapons and terribly half-assed. I've read of people unlocking achievements without being remotely close to the description.

The worst part is that everyone paid for all of this (excluding I2). Why? Because they expected the polished content we've received from OVK the past months, but now the content is half-assed and simple design issues and mechanic issues are being overlooked. Now...

Does all of this, including the Hype Train, and the damn near doubling of content we'll see in the coming months have anything to do with the collaboration between OVK/SBS and Lion Game Lion?

Is some of the new content being "outsourced" to LGL to allow for a greater quantity of content released in a short period of time?

Color me a conspirator, but I have to ask: Has there been a risk of the company going under? I can imagine the funds raised by the hype train and extra manpower of another dev house would be enough to keep the company(ies?) afloat and push out all of the content on time.

Tl;dr Recent updates/DLC have flaws that feel to be ignored by the devs. Is there something going on with OVK that made the sudden turn to quantity over quality?

/r/paydaytheheist Thread