AMA about Pheonix/Pay Center

It’s a long training indeed. Basically, we get to know all of the types of requests that can be send to the Pay Center and what forms they will need to be able to process any given kind of request (hire, leave, transfert, etc.). We determine lf it would be more useful to submit a PAR or a feedback form.

Let’s say an employee write to the Pay Center asking for an update on his transfert. We’ll look into CMT to determine if all of the papework is there. If not, we’ll ask for the forms. If they are already in CMT, we’ll either send a reminder to the old department’s compensation team (if they are not with the Pay Center) or fill out a feedback form for the employee.

I would say there is less cases indeed and most of the new cases are handled quicker. Sadly, there is still that backlog, but they are making progress.

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