AMA, I am a nationalistic Baluch.

This is weird. I have met a lot of balochi people in lahore lashari's/leghari's/others whose last names i don't know. They never striked me as foreign people. They look like us, talk like us and live like us. Most of them can speak different languages but thats true with a lot of pakistani ethnicities. Sure they complain about what's happening in baluchistan, but there is no way they could be discriminated against in any part of pakistan.
I myself have iranian/turkic ancestry and my grandparents spoke turkish dialect of farsi + punjabi but I don't know any farsi because I don't need it in punjab. Ethnicity is a social construct and the only way to move forward is to evolve with the people around you. Rather than being a jingoist, isolating yourself from your neighbours and blaming other people for your problems, we have to start by doing the best we can.
Your fantasy's about a foreign meddling in pakistan to give baluchistan freedom makes it sound like someone seeking attention at the expense of their neighbour's harmony. not good!

/r/pakistan Thread