AMA- typical feminist

It's funny that you mention black men getting the vote before women as though that's an affront.

Susan B. Anthony would agree with you, that's why her political committee (but remember, women didn't have political power) was able to repeatedly stall the passing of the 15th Amendment granting black men the right to vote. Because those damn blacks shouldn't get the vote before white women. That was their actual stance, and one that you're echoing here.

Black men had to serve in the military. Not only were they slaves economically, but they were slaves politically. However, there were a large body of people who (particularly on the tail end of the last war we had been in) believed that service to your country should automatically grant you full citizenship in that country, including the right to vote, that repeated efforts were made to enfranchise black men, allowing their households (including black women) the right to vote collectively under the "One Household, One Vote" system currently in use.

Which was fought by Anthony's National Women's Suffrage Association at every turn. Those few who disagreed with her politics broke off and formed the American Women's Suffrage Association, which disagreed that black men hadn't earned the right to vote, and further believed that giving black men the vote would be a step forward to ensuring votes for all people, including women.

This was a noble and honorable point of American history. We were able to look past skin color and recognize that any man willing to die for his country was irrevocably an equal citizen of that country. And the dominant suffragist party fought tooth and nail against that, because the people being recognized as equal were black.

If the suffragists had won, we'd be living in a society where citizenship didn't matter and the only people to receive guaranteed enfranchisement were white women. As is, they had to settle for a half victory, the only people guaranteed enfranchisement are women in general.

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