Amanita Muscaria Dried Caps Question

30 minutes at 200 Fahrenheit should be ok but you can tinker with it. Be careful not to burn them . I don't know how much airflow your oven can provide but convection setting will force air through it and may help dry them out and cook them without burning. Like I said though you may have to tweak your temps and time based on your oven. I've never tried the following but wrapping them in aluminium foil and putting that on a pan may help with not burning them.

Alternatively, you can find good info if you just check google. is a good source of info in general but haven't been there in quite a while so don't know if they'd have this info but id imagine they would.

You can bake them longer and at higher temps but to be honest if you want a good trip it would be better to find fresh amanita and decarb them versus online pre dried sources. I've never bought mushrooms of any sort.

Sorry it took a minute to get back to you. Was getting on a bus.

And after decarbing you can make a tea that you can drink or if your not afraid or uncomfortable with the idea, booting the tea is very effective.

You could also rehydrate them and cook them into like a soup or casserole but they're not the best tasting but they are perfectly edible.

My advice is to boot it in tea form.

Further more, if you're jot put off by it, when you go to urinate, you can pee in a glass filled with ice and sugar and hold your nose while you drink it if its too disgusting. You'll get mega high as the active compound is passed through your urine and doesn't stay in your body like thc.

It may be a little gross but if you drink your pee fresh and don't let it sit, it doesn't taste nearly as bad. Its not gaggingly bad. And the sugar helps.

As gross as it sounds, you'll get much higher and can continue the ride indefnitely. Or as long as you want.

Siberian tribes have kept a whole villiage high off several mushrooms for weeks at a time by recycling urine.

Please don't drink anyone elses pee though.

Not many people are curious enough to try it but if you do, the trip is alot more intense and worth the experience at least once but I get that its a little too much for some people.

Just spreading what I know.

If you're not gunna recycle your urine, id make a tea and boof it but you could drink it just the same.

Again there is lots of good info if you are willing to do some reading. And many on this sub discredit these magic mushrooms based on hearsay. They are very much a trip and dosing can be tricky as the active content varies. You may have to try a couple times to get an intense trip. In lower doses you'll just feel drunk but clear minded. A little more and you'll get the head space and delirious. You may get sleepy and if you do, go take a nap and you'll have the most vivid and bizarre lucid dreams. Even higher doses will give you a superb trip awake or asleep but as I say the active content is rather varied among amanitas so if you can find a decent sized fairy ring that would be a good place to start. Always err on the side of caution. Just like psilocybin mushrooms these things can and will pack a nasty punch. Very different experience and dosage is different but don't discredit the amanita if you don't have the full blown trip you were looming for the first time or even the first couple times. Just be careful and don't underestimate them.

Again, freshly picked from the wild is always a good go but I've only had experience that way.

Amanita pantherina is a much more potent alternative but should be avoided until you've got more experience.

Don't pick your own mushrooms if you don't know what you're doing.

There are some very deadly mushrooms in the amanita family but they can be avoided if you are educated in what to look for.

Just be careful.

I'm sure this is more than you asked for but amanitas are wonderful and they dont get enough love and want to share what I can.

I hope this helps


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