"Amateur historian and geopolitical researcher" submits map to /r/imaginarymaps dividing the world into civilizations. It doesn't go so well for him. Entire thread is full of arguments.

If it's not racism, it's extreme racial/ethnic prejudice

  1. South Africa, Azerbaijan and Turkey described as "enlightened" African and Muslim because they are more Western-aligned than most other countries in the region. Never mind how insensitive the phrasing is, the only reason they're the only ones highlighted is because he has no idea about any of the others around them.

  2. Israel and Armenia are enlightened Muslim... Muslim? Really??

  3. What makes Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan enlightened Hindus? By the looks of it it's "they're Hindu but not Indian" but even then, Bhutan and Sri Lanka are 75% and 70% Buddhist respectively.

  4. The only country in Shia Civilisation which is majority Shia is Iran.

  5. Iraq is part of Sunni civilisation despite being largely Shia.

  6. Most people in Oman aren't Sunni or Shia. They're Ibadi.

  7. All of Africa is lumped together as if they're all so similar... Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan have far more in common with the Sunni countries above them than they do with the likes of Angola, Madagascar, Zimbabwe etc. He's included PNG in Africa too? Seriously?

  8. Latino Civilisation includes the Philippines, the Falklands, Guyana, Suriname, Jamaica, Trinidad, Belize, Haiti and many other non-Latino countries.

  9. East Timor is categorized as Asian Muslim and the Maldives aren't even coloured.

  10. Indonesian civilisation? Doesn't he mean Indo-chinese?

  11. I don't even know what's going on in Europe... Western Civilisation on the continent is Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the EU (minus Bulgaria for some reason). I'm sure the Albanians and former Yugoslavs would have some things to say about being linked up with Russia...

  12. Regarding Western Civilisation, you have the fact that Greece, Norway, the US and Singapore are somehow all grouped together as if they're in any way similar enough for that...

/r/SubredditDrama Thread