AMAZING! Congress Got Paid Their Full Salary of $130K for 9 Months While they Argued About Giving Every American $600 of Their Own Money

 But to be completely honest, the reason I want to leave my college and pursue a degree in investigating, "unconventional and mysterious American and world history. I was always obsessed with the greatest what if's in history, like what if the U.S had lost the Revolutionary war, or Abe Lincoln was assassinated before the end of the Civil war, if there was always an agenda after world war 1 to make an uprising that cost so many lives in ww2, in Europe, Japan, and Abyssiniaireally because of the zionist movement and population control, wants Fascism just racist communism? Werent the Allies going to do anything about the holocaust if Nazis never invaded Poland? The recent surge in paganism and the constant presence of the occult and George Soros funded media creation of division through the country. I really do agree with anti-communist sentiment because of what it did in Africa and no one batting an eye to it, and China, its people not bad, but their regime is, being praised for their technological advancement and domination of world trade, but at the same time in the bigger picture we just see as, Professor Jordan Peterson said: "Identity politics is a game you don't want to play if you discount what one people did as a whole and make it lesser evil when a regime like China's is doing evil." I also thought when you gave me that book on President JFK's assassination that even with all the evidence that points to the fact the was connected to the communist regime in Cuba, they discount it and say it was Johnson. Im scared to realize nowadays nobody cares about that fact at my age, Im the only one in my family that is not very unaware of anything going on, and unless its my father, (who by the way has completely stopped talking to me about politics, has very high cholesterol and blood pressure and is experiencing troubles, with my mother and spent much time out of the home) has distant relatives in Los Angeles, Houston Texas and Atlanta, Georgia, who all view his Uncle, the Godfather who is wealthy through owning small insurance a taxi business and very hierarchal, but no less atheist and socialist unsaved and hardcore Democrat with a photo of him touching shoulders with then-President Bill Clinton. He once told my father he is crazy for even thinking President Trump is a good person at all. He says All people on the right e are going to destroy us, and isn't that whats so popular in the news? Besides that as I was discussing something about how great America's history is, to family over dinner, but my older sister ( a good person deep down) but educated a couple of years at UC Berkeley, spouts "Scientific evidence" and popular sociology that's overwhelmingly socialist and states, the war on drugs and the dumb war in Iraq was about control to her, and Ameirca=BAD. So... that I can't compete with. I am not allowed to argue with her so naturally, over the years and becoming a Trump supporter, Conservative along with my father and mother and a friend I had in high school, and slowly a Christian biased free thinker and anti-statist, I trended towards some people like Alex Jones, other conspiracy theorists. But I have mistakenly bought EVERYTHING that the Qanon jargon has produces but realized, however, their evidence is mixed with fact and fiction and with Covid-19 ruined a lot of Christian ability to spread the gospel. However, I very much believe the Wikileaks of the CIA,  freemasons and its connection to the media, and venture into my own, "conspiracy" trends. Other than that, I don't spend much time watching anything that some VERY misguided and racist crazies upload to bitchute, I stay away and just follow the channel China uncensored, Face Like the SUn, Richie from Boston, and the Marcus Rogers and The Watchman I knew on Google tube and have been censored, or shadowbanned.
So I do listen to the News now then but it bothers me too much, I very much depend on Epoch times and check out PragerU and Judicial wtahc for the real deal. I have spent many days at home thinking thoroughly, about what is my best way to think about the world around me and the best place to start is through The World view of the one I have been taught and know is safest, a biblical worldview, hetro-family based and state-independent living for the good of God and Lawful society. I hope you get where I'm coming from. You should catch me on Facebook sometime, as I post more thoughts there.

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