Amazon allowing sellers to delete negative reviews.

No, sellers cannot. I used to run a Brand Registered account and I can tell you categorically that 99.99% of sellers have absolutely no control over reviews. The only thing a Seller can do is open a Support Case about a review, laying out whatever reasons they believe it be wrong/invalid/whatever and then pray that eventually, probably after a few weeks of re-opening the case after getting a copy and pasted reply that has nothing to do with the case at all (because Amazon Support loves nothing more than copy and pasted responses that don't help anything), that eventually they reach someone who actually reads the report, and if they're lucky, decides to do something about it. Which, most of the time, they won't.

The only Sellers that have any type of real power on the platform are the largest brands (at least $1 million in annual sales per product), as they have devoted Amazon reps that they can say "hey, this review is clearly fake/for the wrong product/whatever" and have that person deal with it. But even then, you'd have to specify why it violates Amazon's policies and hope that they decide in your favor, which most of the time they won't.

TL;DR: Amazon Support sucks and lied to OP because Amazon doesn't give the flimsiest fuck about customer service.

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