Amazon DE

if you are buying from out of habit, you should consider checking and seeing if the laptop works out at the same price. has free delivery to Ireland for most items over £20, and the customer service is in my opinion superior. if you have any issues with the product, they supply you with a label that you print out and attach to the front of the box to return the product ... you won't get charged at the post office.

with, they apply more scrutiny and also you will need to pay out of your own pocket to send the item back to them ... which they will eventually refund you after you have supplied them with receipts, and they have confirmed they received the item and inspected it and verified it is in the state you claimed it was in. that's a hassle in my opinion, since postage in ireland is outrageously expensive.

i will often cross check an item i am interested in on these two Amazon stores, and 99% of the time it makes more financial sense to go with

also, a tip if you do purchase items from ... at the check out screen they will allow you to choose currency between paying in EUR or GBP ... choose to pay in GBP because visa offer significantly better exchange rates than Amazon do.

/r/ireland Thread