Amazon is looking to turn ‘Three-Body Problem’ into blockbuster sci-fi television series

Just to share with you guys: A Chinese electronic musician, Wang Lifu, who's also the novel's fan created a lot of works around the story. You can listen online for free in his XiaMi channel below:

(1) Three Body OST:

This is the earliest album, created when he was reading the trilogy. It has mainly simple motifs, most are demo, with several complete tracks.

(2) Live Broadcast Vol. 1: Three Body in Sound:

Ambient electronic music, themed with plot from all 3 books. It was first streamed alive by Lifu in his Zhihu Live.

(3) The Dark Forest Suite Op. 01:

Themed with plot from the 2nd book, Dark Forest.

(4) Three Body OST: Beihai (Northern Sea):

An album themed with Zhang Beihai.

Also, Lifu created an album for a theater show based on Liu Cixin's another short story 朝闻道:

It has not been translated to English yet. The title is from Confucius' words: “朝闻道,夕死可矣。” (If a man in the morning hear the right way, he may die in the evening without regret.)

/r/threebodyproblem Thread Link -