Amazon, Under Armour, and FedEx Set Up Shop in an Industrial Graveyard (longread about Tradepoint Atlantic)

My favorite part of the article is how they gloss over how SP sold for scrap at $72M when the industry analysts predicted it would sell to another steel producer for $1-2 billion. It's also funny how SP is the only plant in olved in RG bankruptcy that was demolished, the former WP plants got bought and run.

Maybe it has something to do with the O'Malley administration threatening every potential steel producing buyer with the cost of a full environmental remediation which would have been $10-20B. Of course, once Hilco bought SP, they whitewashed the environmental problems and let the developers belly up to the trough. I have no doubt that the new warehouses are sitting on top of Superfund concentrations of toxic pollutants.

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