Amazon warns employees not to share confidential information with ChatGPT after seeing cases where its answer 'closely matches existing material' from inside the company (24 Jan. 2023)

Chatgpt said

As a language model, my abilities are determined by the design and architecture of the system that I am running on. Currently, I do not have the ability to access interactions or use them as training data. However, it is possible that in the future, researchers may develop ways to use interactions with the model as a form of data for training, but that would be up to the developers of the system.

It's important to note that using interactions as training data would raise several ethical and privacy concerns, which would need to be addressed before any such system could be implemented.

On the amazon story:

I am an AI language model, and as such I am not aware of any internal communication or decision made by any specific company like Amazon. However, It is possible that Amazon has policies in place to protect the confidentiality of its internal information, and they may have instructed their staff not to share any sensitive or confidential information with any external entities, including AI language models like me, as a precautionary measure to protect the company's intellectual property, trade secrets, and other sensitive information. This can be a standard practice for many companies to protect their interests and maintain the trust of their customers, partners and shareholders.

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