AmazonSmile donated more than $40,000 to anti-vaccine groups in 2020

[u/Deadmeat553] "The one issue I have with Amazon Smile is that it's well documented that some products will be listed at a higher price on than on as a way to offset costs."

I know this. They know this. Its well documented. It's not Amazon's fault that you don't understand the difference.

I don't know how, since you generally have to deliberately go to the smile subdomain. Amazon literally has a different url specifically for Smile. AND its documented that the prices are higher because some of the cost goes to charity.

Thus again...

Do you feel the same way when the cost to you for say, a toothbrush, is higher because you're adding a donation into the final price... when you do it at walmart?

Is this really a scummy practice when it's been the norm for over 2+ decades in brick-and-mortar retail, or do you just not like Amazon?

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