So America for sure is gonna go down if COVID actually does keep mutating at the rate that it has been (article in comments- it's had one major mutation already)

Do yourself a favor and ignore any talk about strains and mutants.

Unless You are a bio/viro guy, you wont fully get it and it will sound more horrible than it really is. This is not a movie. There isnt a ticker that will pop up saying "2025, the new strain has killed us all, we must rebuild"

This subreddit drives me insane with its fear mongering. Instead of cowering in fear, learn more about the realities of the problem.

Cant tell you how many bio friends I have who looked at nextstrain, saw all the different colors and said "wow crazy how each location has its own unique strain" No one took the time to understand that the colors denoted locations.

OP, you are not educating, you are fear mongering. Save yourself the stress and stop worrying about the inevitable mutaions a virus will experience. It does not and will not matter to you and all you are doing is fear mongering by sharing it with anyone and not being able explain it.

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