Has America forgotten how to lead?

Thanks for a much needed view from outside. Hopefully your candor won't get you banned, or declared an enemy of America by Rudy Giuliani.

One criticism:

Repubs and Democrats, it's all the same to a certain extent.

I see this entirely too much. Yes, they might all be politicians, but that's where the similarities end. All the problems you list, the GOP has been working toward for decades.

The GOP is the party of discrimination, first and foremost; The party entirely incapable of compromise; The party who celebrates and encourages ignorance, driving that apathy you see; The party of misinformation, disinformation, and just plain lying through their clenched teeth; The party of obstruction- we can't even debate the issues of our day in the congress; The party who thinks nothing of hurting our country as long they can (wrongly) point to it as a black mark against Obama; The party who complains incessantly about government waste and abuse, while voting 50+ times to repeal the ACA, not to mention acting to destroy the US post office (mandated in our constitution); The party who supports the aristocracy at every turn, despite what that favoritism does to the vast majority; The party who has long championed the police state, as long as it was employed to bust the skulls of hippies and blacks, and now builds private prisons to capitalize on it; The party who brought us Reaganomics, and, despite all the evidence pointing to it as an abject failure, refuse to move away from their stance that benevolent job creators will share the wealth some day, probably as soon as they don't have to face pesky regulations or pay taxes; The party who wants to end the minimum wage and child labor laws; The party who wants to drag our soldiers back to another battlefield in the middle east; The party of rendition and torture;

I could keep on going.

Before anybody starts calling me a damn commie, this criticism is coming from somebody who was a lifelong republican. The GOP is no longer home to reasonable or rational thought. Try it, and they will begin shrieking. "RINO!!" at you, stick their fingers in their ears going, "lalalalalalalalalala", and then they will shun you. THIS is why the GOP is so fucked up- they shut out anybody who isn't batshit insane.

/r/MURICA Thread