America needs immigrants to solve its labor shortage

now this is purely a 1-off example and my personal experience that has absolutely no affect on the reality of the country. but i think it’s worthwhile to consider.

my job employs a metric fuck ton of immigrants. they are all paid minimum $20/hr and get a bonus 4 times a year equally ~$1000 or more. health insurance, all the jazz. and often these people stay and start making a very respectable wage. and of course this is only capable of happening because of the industry we are in and the margins. beef and chicken industry. i’m only saying this because it has given me the opportunity over the last 8 years to get to know these people.

as americans sit here and complain about salary’s shortage and it not equating to the unrealistic standard of living they want, these immigrants quite literally gave up their entire life to move across the world simply to not live in fear or death and famine. think about that. the hands they were dealt in life are exponentially worse than anyone born in america. and they’ve gone through great lengths to solve their life situation. what do most americans do when they aren’t happy in life? whine and complain on the internet and refuse to take any accountability. again this is a 1-off example but i’m about to be 30 years old with no college degree and have worked my ass off to now be at a 6 digit salary. so the argument that they WONT pay you is ultimately incorrect. i wouldn’t pay someone a lot of money to show up late, leave early, only do the bare minimum either. and that’s what the american work force has become. a bunch of minimum effort giving whiners who expect the same benefits as the guy who tried to do better. i’m sorry but most people around me including my friends don’t deserve to make the money i make because they haven’t put in even 10% the work and sacrifice i did. plain and simple.

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