America’s disturbing voter-turnout crisis: How inequality extends to polling place — and why that makes our country less fair

I feel your frustration; I hope you are just venting.

No, I'm done I think. It was the first of many things where I've kind of just decided to give up. I was thinking about trying to get involved at the local level on either city council or Rep. side with an eventual run at the state house or something. But I went to few things on the Rep side and they were still harping on the gays and I'm like god damn it.

Plenty of politicians are doing what they do as a higher calling, not just a testament to their own greatness. Feel blessed you have the wear withal and gumption to help lead when you are needed.

I honestly think Trump doesn't want to be president which is why he will do good at it. He's like here I am. This is my stuff. Vote for me if you want. The other people just want to control the lives others. I mean you think Bloomberg really gives a shit about fat people? No, he just has billions and gets off on forcing people around. Hillary Clinton and a commie? That is the best the Dems got? It's all a little club. Both sides do it. It's clear Trump isn't in the little club.

I spent most of my free time lately learning about stocks and what not. I got lvl3 options and futures privileges now. At some point I'm going likely start using small to moderate leverage. Even then the game is rigged to some extent. But the oligarchs won't let the market fail. It was clear in 2008 they'll step in. Market fails and everyone goes back to zero. That isn't going to happen.

I'll revisit when I hit my magic number but I think I'm going to be retired in my 40's. At some point my dividends and covered calls should be producing more income than what I make at work.

And my wife and I really aren't that special. You know the stories about the janitor with millions that no one knows is a millionaire. We'll be those people.

Anyways I think at the point I hit my number I'm going to travel and spend time with the wife. I just have no desire to be around people much anymore.

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