America was unprepared for a major crisis. Again.

I'm happy to clarify my point. Firstly, I'm a survivor so my answer is obviously biased. Second, the general public had absolutely no idea what was happening, in real-time, on 9/11. Personally, I thought it was the literal end of the world. In this case, the public has been aware of the virus since January. It may be an unseen threat, but we are actively aware and are taking precautions to protect ourselves. That was in no way an option on 9/11. Thirdly, all life is sacred. Every. Single. Life. What I meant about the deaths that occurred (and still occur) on 9/11 is that they are sacred in the sense they were innocent victims of a radical Islamic group; the first deaths that would lead to decades of war and change everything Americans thought they knew about safety. Lastly, the White House had a pandemic team devoted to preventing this particular situation, but the current administration cut its funding and dismantled the department. That differs from 9/11 significantly; those groups and people were watched closely by several agencies, with many sounding alarms up to the week of the attacks. I hope this clears my comment up. I'd prefer not to be bombarded with notifications lol. Peace, love, and wash ur hands.

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