American burn vs British Murder

Seriously though, English people can't pronounce a single English word correctly; not one. Many of them can't even say "No" - a very simple, two letter, single syllable word. Can't even manage that. It's "Nohr". They add Rs to things all the time. Those among them that can actually pronounce the letter R, anyway.

They cannot pronounce words that begin in th- or that end in -le. "Three" becomes "free". "Circle" is "circoo". Meanwhile, words that actually end in O are fucked up too. A photo, in England, is more commonly known as a "faytay". Whatever the hell that is.

They also leave out words. "I had my tea with sugar in". With sugar in what? In it? Finish your sentence. "I took my keys out my pocket". You mean out of your pocket? You can walk "out a doorway", but you can't take keys "out a pocket". Morons.

They can't even get their tenses right; they're always "sat" in a chair or "stood" at a bus stop. No, you're sitting in the chair, you absolute retard. How the fuck do you "sat" in the present tense?

I am neither English (thankfully!) nor American, but I'd rather listen to an American speaking English than an English person speaking English, all day every day.

/r/MurderedByWords Thread Link -