The American Economy Is Rarely Good for Workers

The American revolution against the British was fought tooth and nail by ordinary people, and they got shit for it. The majority of the founding fathers were just rich, white men who saw economic benefit (not least because many of them had debt to British banks) from pulling free from Britain.

Hell, the rich even avoided being drafted by paying 200 dollars. In many places, this led to riots. And do not believe the lies- there was never strong patriotic fervor for the new American government, but most of those who willingly joined up the revolution did it because of poor economy and receiving the bare necessity of payment.

So heck, historical American patriotism is a lie. That has served mainly the rich, caused the poor to pull the heavy lifting in the name of country and duty, while they enrich themselves and fatten their bellies.

I just wish ordinary Americans decided to overthrow their Constitution, that yoke of "mild" slavery and false hopes and promises.

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