American makes a truly beautiful speech on the dangers of multiculturalism and immigration

The comment in full, since it got deleted

"We're seeing a shifting paradigm wherein multiculturalism in western, democratic, liberal countries is ever decreasingly assumed to be a basic principle and good. People are being faced with harsh realities in Europe and America and they can either confront them and seek to understand them or simply ignore the problems that come with mass immigration. Fewer and fewer people are satisfied to simply ignore the problems, and that's what we're seeing here, as even reddit, which is extremely left-libertarian on average, is shifting toward more conservative positions on things like immigration and profiling. It's no longer automatically racist to question immigration and to implement some profiling policies. Your confusion is justified because this is a big change. In my view, it is a natural and inevitable consequence of the very lax immigration policies that have been in place for so very long, as well as the cultural incompatibilities in many cases. In this sense, it's not necessarily a bad change, though I would caution that these sorts of movements can have the tendency to swing too far in a particular direction. This should not be seen as a justification of bigotry and racism, but a sobering up about the importance of not simply sweeping discussions about race, religion, and culture under the rug for fear of being labeled as such."

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