Do Americans consider Apple(iphone, mac, etc) products as a luxury? Or is it considered as an essential product?

Others have answered for their areas but I don't see anyone from my region yet, so I'll answer for my area.

I live in Silicon Valley. I have a few friends that work at Apple and Google. I'm a software developer and have been at it for a couple decades.

Currently, only the Apple Watch is a standout purchase. That's the one that indicates you're willing to spend a lot on something just because it's from Apple. All of their other devices are basically standard issue. You get a job working in tech and they hand you a MBP 15 on the first day or equally expensive Windows laptop if your workplace requires it (mainly things like RTOS and firmware development).

Schoolkids here have iPads and iPhones. It's not extraordinary at all. The Apple store nearest to my house is so full on weekends, you have to wade through a crowd to make a purchase. I recently dropped off my laptop for service and basically shoved myself sideways through the dozens of people waiting in line. By the same token, the MS store directly across from the Apple store was completely empty.

I went to a lecture by a famous computer scientist a couple months ago at Stanford and saw a sea of glowing Apple logos when I walked in. There was no non-Apple laptop immediately evident.

My friend has never worked in tech. When he started his current job as a restaurant manager, they issued him a Macbook Air. They use an iPad to manage streaming music for the restaurant as well.

So, for my area, Apple products are ubiquitous. It's not the same everywhere, but for the millions of people in the Bay Area, Apple products are universal and don't stand out as expensive. Bear in mind, however, that there are many zip codes here where the median annual household income is above $100k, so spending a few thousand on a laptop you'll use every day is not something to sweat.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread