Americans struggle to save in Pandemic Year 2 — and millions live paycheck to paycheck

Age discrimination is absolutely a thing, and I've seen it before, even seen people forced to sign papers in preparation to let them go, which declared that if they were let go they acknowledged that they didn't think it was due to age, and then they were let go. Anyhow, your comment inspires thought about another factor. It's competition. A 25 year old without a family, without a mortgage, with plenty of time to save or not even think of retirement, will and can settle for much lower pay. An older worker is stacked to the brim with responsibilities and pending end of their career because they know they won't be employed all the way to 60 years, much less the 67 when they can get social security. So, it's multi factored. For the company, the executives, the bonuses, the high profit margins, it just makes sense to hire young workers and offshore. Now that's horrible for your parents, your future self, your community, your neighbors, because the financial impact is widespread and lasting, but at least for the short term and select few at the top, it's good, it's great.

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