Americans who are opposed to metrification, why do you think that the United States should retain imperial units of measurement and the Fahrenheit temperature scale?

The average american doesnt need to know 75km, we use miles here.

So the average American should have no concept of anything either than an archaic national peculiarity that is objectively inferior? I'm sorry, but you just sound needlessly parochial. "

No inferiority complex. No projection.

Your first comment suggested that I implied that Americans are stupid, when I did no such thing. What that says to me is that you think that Americans are stupid, and that shames you because of a parochial sense of patriotism and so you tried to defend against a charge that I haven't made.

I just dont see where switching to the metric system, which is really a dumbed down simplified system, is superior to learning to deal with multiple systems of measurement.

Sure, learn whatever you like, but there's no good reason that an illogical and archaic system that can only be justified with "this is how we do it here" and "change is difficult" should be the national standard.

I do machine work in inches and microns, I do chemistry in metric. Its not that hard to use appropriate measures. Move if you cant handle the difficulty level.

The anecdotes mean nothing.

I'm sorry, but thinking that something needs to change doesn't mean I should leave, it means that I should argue for change.

It's almost laughable that you're so provincial and childish, irrationally defending nonsense because it's your nonsense.

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