America's Largest Street Gang (2011) Uncompromisingly shocking evidence of the tyranny of police in America [56:53]

No, no, no. It is not and it is not related. If I see a guy getting stopped and arrested by the police I have no idea what he did or didn’t do. What will I do? Help the guy escape the police? Seriously? What do you recommend? I pull a gun and start shooting the cops? No. This has zero bearing on Nazi Germany and the holocaust. Do some history reading of that to really understand what went on. Everyone that says this I see as ignorant of history. There are very, very key differences in what, how, why and the end result.

You did watch the same video right. Obviously I"m not talking about the "average" encounter you are thinking of. I certainly wouldn't advocate people step in when a Cop is simply writing up a speeding ticket. But if I see a cop choking a kid to the point of unconsciousness, and then proceeding to randomly pick on random kids in the same way. Or a Cop who picks out a random witness recording a traffic stop and starts to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM. Again, you seem incapable of understanding that this is what happened in the videos. Why on earth you think I'm talking about civil and peaceful encounters with police is fucking beyond me. And yes, in those extreme cases, I'd have to kill the Cop, they leave me no choice, they know it and I know it, but its the kind of environment which they are responsible for creating. They are the one's claiming moral authority, with that comes the inability to defend yourself by saying "I didn't know I couldn't pistol whip someone for filming my traffic stop from the sidewalk."

That’s how our system works. What you’re advocating is for people to be a vigilante, attack the cops, and then become a criminal. The best thing is for them to be a witness. Even to film it from their phones. And, the latter, is why so much of this is coming to light. However, a snapshot in time does not define an entire event. You can’t see 5 minutes of an exchange and know everything about that exchange. Demanding that people interfere based on this is worse than ignorance. What your phone footage can do is support or reject pieces of reports and testimonies.

Actually, no that's not how our system works. That's the irony, you are defending a legal system that follows the law and ensures justice. There is no justice anymore because of complacent people like you. Since we've already used the Holocaust as an example... I do hope you are ware that nothing the Nazi party did was "illegal" if you followed due process of the time to try to free your Jewish friends from the Ghetto you would have been executed or locked up. Now I'm sure you're going to dispute this to all hell. In many cases you are right about not being aware of everything. However the videos OP posted are clearly those which its not necessary. On officer should never retaliate against someone no matter how "hard" the person makes it for the officer if at all. When a Cop moves away from his traffic stop and just starts beating the living shit out of a random witness with a camcorder out or chokes a kid 1/3 his size while sitting on top of them... if you need to think here, please just kill yourself, you're useless to the rest of us.

Look you seem passionate about this, and you keep saying you've studied this, but you very clearly have not. I lived through the genocide in the Balkans and read many books on the matter as well. Read through Machiavelli's works along with some really good books on Egyptian history going back to before the first dynasty. Plato, Aristotle, also books on the history of religion and various cultures from around the world. There is no fucking way you know anything about history if you are truly advocating the sort of blind faith in the system that you clearly are advocating.

From everything I've read and learned I understand the compulsion to think that this time it will be different if we just give the system another chance... but there have literally been thousands of societies in the past who all fell because of that exact thought process. I'm sure people in each of those cases saw what I do more or less and tried to speak up, but were silenced by people like you. I'm not vengeful or upset here, this is just fact to me and it reassures me in my cause to be, if nothing else, the only person who doesn't drink the koolaid. Here's why... 20-30 years from now kids will be taught about this time in our history and they will all wonder how something like this was allowed to happen, just as we now look back on the Holocaust or other such events.

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