America's top CEOs pocket 355 times more than average workers: Analysis by the AFL-CIO union found that chief executive officers of the top 500 companies took home $12.4m on average while they exported jobs overseas

God damn this comment thread is frustrating. The number of people who don't comprehend how manipulated our markets are, what regulatory capture even is, he'll what FREE ENTERPRISE CAPTIALISM means. Where the hell did you fucking idiots even come from? We have other capitalist nations with far better markets to look to and see that CEOs and top management rarely have wage gaps on the scale we see in the US today. There are so many companies that simply lobby congress for their ability to stay on top anymore, but this comes at a much bigger price for the rest of us. Regular people are having their abilit to pick the winners in the market taken away from them and replaced with assholes who need campaign contributions deciding such things instead.

The fact that so many people here cannot see why this impacts co petition salaries, prices within the market, even quality of goods and services, it's precisely why we are in this predicament to begin with: voters too god damn lazy and stupid to pay attention.

Why do you think corporate America spends millions if not billions in politics? To feel good??? Are you fucking BRAINDEAD? This is not some far left ideological position, this is literally what right leaning free market capitalists have been calling out for years.

Calling out the obscene pay gap between CEOs and their workers, and the increase to that pay gap over the past several decades as CEO pay skyrockets and middle class income remains the same, it doesn't make someone some kind of ignoramous who doesn't know how free enterprise capitalism works. Literally the opposite: those who know more about this stuff are the ones who can explain why it's a symptom of a much bigger problem, and all the stupid fucks who lambaste anyone who have reservations on the topic are clinging to ignorance masked as a false superiority on the topic.

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