Amid refugee crisis, Hungary prime minister says Muslims not welcome: Viktor Orban says history of Ottoman rule means Hungarians will not accept large-scale Muslim immigration

The fact is that most of these refugees are adult men who come over to Europe for economic reasons. Many of them aren't even from war torn countries, and they aren't fleeing violence. Do you know how many countries they could have escaped to if they were actually desperate and fleeing? Hint: there are a lot of countries between their home country and Germany and the UK. They are economic illegal aliens seeking to suck on the tit of the welfare state. They don't want to stay in Turkey or Hungary or the dozens of countries between Syria and Western Europe, which is what actual refugees would do, they want the very generous European welfare. In Demark, single Syrian migrants would get 10,849 kroner a month (or about $1700 US dollars) before the recent slash due to abuse of the welfare system. In Germany they are "entitled to social welfare payments, child benefits, child-raising benefits, integration allowances and language courses as well as other forms of integration assistance." Hell the smugglers even help them compare what benefits they'll get in different European countries.

If all these economic migrants leave their home countries, how do you expect their home countries to improve? They never will. All they are doing in the long run is prolonging the problem in the first place and the problem is that their home countries are shitholes they refuse to fix.

At the same time, many of these people come from cultures that are actively hostile to the Western way of life. They do not believe in freedom of religion, they do not believe in freedom of speech, they do not believe in freedom for women and they do not believe in logic and reason. Often even when Europeans go out of their way to help them it backfires because of the entitled mentality of these people. In Calais a woman tried to set up kitchens to feed the illegal immigrants trying to get into Britain, but they ended up first complaining the food wasn't good enough, then forcibly taking over her distribution. And its not like people in Europe are not against helping actual refugees, in fact there are 1.5 million legally accepted refugees in Europe. What Europeans are against is being flooded with million of uneducated Mulsims (mostly single men) we can't possible accomodate, and with no due process. It's an invasion.

Combine all this with the fact that the world is not economically stable. Millions of Europeans in their early 20s do not have jobs, yet "refugees" are allowed to come in and given welfare. What you have here is very clear to anyone looking: cultural and economic suicide.

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