Amnesty report: Israel unlawfully killed and tortured Palestinians

people here are full of shit.

Before some Palestinians got "smacked around by some IDF soldiers" they went on an international terrorism spree across Europe and the world.

Did everybody miss the seventies and eighties? Ya they did.. because they weren't even a glimmer in their daddy's ballsack.

Before Palestinians were getting "smacked around unlawfully by IDF soldiers" they only shot up the Rome and Vienna Airports and killed dozens of people. Hijacked dozens of airplanes, hijacked cruise ships and killed people. Attacked the fucking Olympic Games!!! Not enough? How about murdering Senator Robert Kennedy or assassinating US ambassador Cleo a noel? Enough yet? No? Well the poor Palestinians tried to kill King Hussein of Jordan and take over Jordan! Then Arafat and the PLO backed Saddam Hussein in the invasion of Kuwait. They also killed hundreds of Christian Lebanese in southern Lebanon Google the massacre of Darmour Lebanon.

The amount of death and Mayhem the Palestinians are directly responsible for in Jordan Israel Palestine and Lebanon is unbelievable and all happened before some Palestinians got smacked around that is cited in this Amnesty International report.

Before ISIS even existed, before some Palestinians were getting "smacked around by IDF soldiers," the PLO under Arafat was the international terrorist organization killing people around the world

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