Amy Klobuchar Has a Pete Buttigieg Problem

I like her A LOT. But the way I see it is that we need a coasts and heartland ticket, a left and center ticket - unify the party and excite the base and we not just win, but win big. None of the far left progressives would serve well as VPs so they need to top the ticket. And the only ones I see that can beat Trump are Sanders and Warren. Of these two, Warren I think would be the better president. She takes care of the coasts and the left. Now center (center left) and heartland choices who are performing well are Buttgieg and Klobuchar. Unfortunately I don’t think we should risk her seat in the Senate. So that leaves Buttgieg.

= Warren/Buttgieg 2020. He got her to rethink her M4A plan at the debate, as a team maybe he could convince her of alternatives to some of her other plans.

OR, we go the path most often taken Outsider + Party Elder. For me that would be Buttgieg and I don’t think there is a party elder more qualified than Hillary Clinton, that’s just me. Regardless, he would have to anchor that ticket with some serious fire power.

/r/Pete_Buttigieg Thread Link -