Amy Schumer talking about her vagina on the newest Chelsea episode

Examples of women that have made vagina jokes:

Amy Poehler: "I don't consider myself beautiful or famous, but my vagina certainly is. Everyone knows this. I have the Angelina Jolie of vaginas."


Tina Fey: "And now, like a supermodel's vagina, let's all give a warm welcome to Leonardo DiCaprio."


Kristen Wigg: ‘A lot of people ask if we were trying to make certain statements and show that women could act like men and it’s so funny, because I don’t see Bridesmaids in that way at all. I’m almost like: “There were vagina jokes?” We just wrote stuff that made us laugh and, to me, it’s just a comedy about friendship and stuff – there are lots of things in it besides the puking and the pooing in the street.'


There are plenty more. Writing all that, there are a lot of male comedians that talk about their dicks, so it is pretty even in my opinion.

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