"An absolute, utter shock": Doctor fired after giving away expiring doses of COVID-19 vaccine speaks out

So let's see, what part did you miss:

Was it this?

Gokal said his first reaction was to offer the doses to the event's workers, but they had either already gotten inoculated or declined. Emergency workers had already left the site and the police officers there had either already gotten the vaccine or said they wanted to wait before taking it.

Or this?

With no other options, Gokal called a Harris County public health official in charge of operations to share his plan to find 10 people and administer them the remaining doses. He said he was told to go for it. 

Or maybe this?

But he said there was guidance from the Texas Department of State Health Services to always try to find eligible people in that tier when there are leftovers vaccine doses at the end of a shift. If you can't find anyone eligible, find someone willing and able to take it. The agency's message, Gokal said, was clear: "We don't want any doses wasted. Period."

I can translate for you as well. Maybe simplify it, if you want. I am willing to do that to make you understand that what you are saying may be correct but after exhausting all options, he did what he had to do.

I am sure you will keep having further objections. But please tell me what other things he could have done? I am eager to know what you would have done to save a vaccine going bad in 20 minutes.

/r/news Thread Link - cbsnews.com