An abstract question about existence.

  • #1 Cosmological argument one of the worst arguments because simply put, if everything has a cause then who created god?

  • #2 Kalam link has 14 good counter arguments. Kalam is just an "altered form of the cosmological argument intended to circumvent the infinite regress problem." But it still suffers from the same problems when it comes down to it.

  • #3The Moral Argument Based upon Moral Values and Duties. wont say much here because morals obviously don't come from the book that thinks slavery is okay. Morals are things we decide on together because we are all humans and generally want to be happy ect ect.

  • #4 The Teleological Argument from Fine-tuning Creationists generally assert that everything in the universe was designed. It is therefore impossible to establish a distinction between designed and non-designed objects, because there are no non-designed objects for us to experience! Therefore creationism is incompatible with the argument from design.

  • #5 Ontological Argument In this argument, existence is given as one of God's attributes as part of the definition: if X is God, then X has the property of existence. This is logically equivalent to "if X does not exist, then X is not God." It does not prove that there are any entities that actually match the definition.

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