This is an actual question I have: When you jerk off, are you supposed to stop once your dick starts to ejaculate, or do you keep going till you feel you're finished?

I liked my uncles advice on multi vitamins.

" hey i feel extremely run down today, i will take a multi vitamin and see if that helps"

this is what i found to be most effective.

when ever i am out of energy. firt i drink a glass or two of water. if that does not help a glass or two of milk. if that does not help a ew fresh fruits or vegtables. if that does not help and i still feel run down i pop a multi vitamin. and that has so far seemed to work.

however I do have a diet consisting mostly of rice and oat meal. so i know i do lack the "balanced" diet most people recommend. and so i do feel run down often if i have not been to the store to buy lots of fruits and vegetables :(

and my uncle was a farmer who worked out side in the middle of the day durning the summer. so he sweaqt as lot. and i suspect the vitamin was replaceing more of those " electroliytes"(sodium calcium potassium) for him than it replaced the vitamins for me.

but it is nice to know. hey i feel run down i can take this pill and in a few hours feel a lot better!

i knowi always think welli shouldbuy more furit and vegtables next time i g oto the store.

but i walk. and fruits and vegetables are really heavy per calorie :(

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