An actual unpopular opinion for this subreddit

I think you're pretty spot-on, and I especially like how you explained everything with Dany. How the fuck are there so many people saying, "sHe'S bEeN mAd ThE wHoLe TiMe, If YoU DiDn'T sEe ThAt ThEn YoU wErEn'T pAyInG aTtEnTiOn" ??? And lol to these same people who think all of the loyal Dany fans and parents who named their kids Khaleesi are going to suddenly fall apart, start hating on Dany and/or go into denial about what happened here. Maybe some, but personally, while I don't 'agree' with what happened in last night's episode per se, I understand it and I don't see her as the Mad Queen. But you already said all of this so beautifully OP, thank you for taking the time to write it!

/r/freefolk Thread