as an adc, what exactly is the counterplay to naut/yasuo lane?

Tristana is bad into Yasuo, that'll always be a losing matchup. Pick someone with enough range to be able to farm safely and harass. Veigar is actually really good into him. Just make sure that you save your cage for when he tries to all-in. Ziggs is also decent, in the sense that he can farm safe and scale. Jinx will probably lose lane but scales so much harder out of lane. And Sivir can just waveclear and back off. Yasuo needs to get kills early, so your focus should be on not giving over kills, and trying to be even in farm.

Your support should choose an anti-engage support, but unless you have a duo you can't always rely on that.

At rank 1, Windwall has a 30 second cool down, and that's usually the last ability to get leveled. So you can abuse him if he wastes Windwall. You probably won't ever have kill pressure on him (especially with how much sustain he has) but you can try to keep him low enough so he doesn't go for an all-in.

And always take exhaust against Yasuo.

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