An all-woman League of Legends team in Europe receives a sponsorship after being highly successful in women-only tournaments. /r/leagueoflegends has some opinions on the matter.

I know I'm 2 months late here, and I'm not accusing you but more this whole thread. You just answered basically every single question in this thread: a lot of people supported Remi as a token, an achievement. That's exactly why people are annoyed and yelling at the "all women" league team, because it's exactly the same thing. It's a token, a marketing strategy.

I don't understand how hard this is to understand for non gamers: the majority of us don't hate women! In fact, I'd argue most of the (straight I guess) guys who play video games hardcore would love to meet some nerdy girl who plays video games all the time. What we DON'T want is to see our favorite pros fight to get rank 1, to get picked up onto a team to prove themselves...and then have token matches against people who got there because of nothing to do with the game. We would say the EXACT SAME THING if some team was like "uh...I'm gonna make a team of only left handed people with green eyes" and those criteria caused them to choose people nowhere near skilled enough to compete. The difference is there's no people who've never played League in their lives crying over that team and making it a national news story.

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