An amazing video from one of my fave fighting channels. IMO, it really pertains to the taunts in this game, and I thought you guys should watch it :3

The extrapolations he drew from science were really weird. It may have sounded smart because he talked about conditioning but I assure you it didn't make a compelling argument for taunting having positive effects on gameplay. The kid said "I had to teabag to show that I was alpha" and the narrator talked about humiliation responses. The conditioning there is the desire to exert dominance in situations of competition by humiliating your opponent for egotistical enjoyment, not really a good argument for them playing poorly because of it. And he talked about people being conditioned to perform moves, but people are conditioned to want to win at video games - the in game rewards enhance the dopamine release which is the actual reward and the hand movements just represent paths of least resistance, the same way the shortest route through a maze would represent the path of least resistance for a rat that was being conditioned to complete mazes for a cheese reward. The rat is being conditioned to employ its critical thinking to solve mazes to get the cheese. We're being conditioned to employ our critical thinking to press the right buttons to get victory. But the path of least resistance what our critical thinking recognizes as the best way to achieve the reward through those means, it isn't the thing we're being conditioned to do within them. And then he proved that by showing that if two thinking players try moves in fighting games that work out poorly they're less likely to repeat them which is an aspect of critical thinking which he described as though it represented moment to moment conditioning? Honestly I didn't understand what that was all meant to prove about the 'mind games' aspect of taunting but I can assure you it didn't. I mean it simply couldn't have. It was like a kid that made a mashup of his science homework and his favourite video game. Like "Jumping in shooters is preferable because the world is made up of energy that is always moving, look at how this player standing still is an easier target, clearly he should try to move like an electron" kind of logic.

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